Monte Serra Challenge: the history of the 2022 and 2023 editions


Saturday 19 October 2024 is the big day of the third Fantacycling community gathering.

But how did things go in the two previous editions? In 2022, from the meeting point at the Bike Village in San Giuliano Terme , about seventy participants set off for the non-competitive ride towards the finish line of the climb climbed from the Calci side.

Among them some exceptional guests such as Riccardo Magrini , voice of cycling for Eurosport and winner of the climb, Sandro Sabatini , Mediaset journalist, the former professional Giovanni Visconti , and the influencer Evelyn Lamberto.

The Fantacycling staff was also joined by the jovial Max Precisi, alias Maiale di Selvatelle, the real star of the event.

The party then concluded, as in the best of traditions, with a dinner at the “London is good” restaurant in Pontedera which saw the presence of Eugeni Berzin, winner of the 1994 Giro d'Italia, for an evening in which cycling was discussed, paying homage to all the protagonists of the day, just like happens every week in the famous Fantacycling YouTube live shows.

In 2023, again starting from the Bike Village in San Giuliano Terme, we climbed Monte Serra again from the Calci side, the one that is used in the Giro di Toscana.

There were almost a hundred of us and we all managed to reach the legendary antennas, completing the climb.

In addition to our entire team, with Fede, the Mullah, Lorenzo Lucon, Berta, there was the legendary Giovanni Visconti, now a great friend of Fantacycling who pedaled with the fans without sparing himself.

The other presence that thrilled everyone present (and especially the Mullah) was that of Riccardo Riccò . The “cobra” (as he is nicknamed), whose exploits and vicissitudes we know, put himself to the test by accepting our invitation with enthusiasm. We found a boy who still loves cycling and knows how to appreciate its most genuine aspects, without thinking about the past, but living the present. For the record, the success of the climb went to the Fornaio Volante (Davide Lombardi) who dominated ahead of the Bimbo della Butese , still second as in the 2022 edition.

And how will it go in 2024 ? Who will be the 'VIP' guests who will take part in our party? Participating is very simple. You can choose whether to be with us only for the non-competitive ride or also add dinner.

Choose the package that's right for you and come visit us!

For info and details click here and book directly from our shop!